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Installation and usage


npm install electron-prompts


Import and instantiate a PromptManager for your project:

import PromptManager from "electron-prompts"

const prompts = new PromptManager({
devMode: true,

Create and spawn a prompt using Prompt Templates:

const pTemplate = {
windowTitle: "electron-prompts",
cancelButton: {
classes: ["btn", "btn-secondary"],
// value: "Lets slow'r down there partner..."
elements: [
type: "header",
value: "The easiest prompts ever!",
type: "paragraph",
value: "An easy tool to enable spawning prompts from the Electron main process",
name: "testValue",
type: "input",
placeholder: "Test input",
classes: ["form-control"],
value: "With inputs!",
type: "paragraph",
value: "Also paragraphs",
name: "testValue",
type: "input",
placeholder: "Or even another input!",
classes: ["form-control"],
value: "",
buttons: [
name: "submit",
classes: ["btn", "btn-primary"],
value: "Save Changes",

Calling the async spawn() method on the PromptManager instance, passing a Prompt Template, will create a window and wait until the user input is captured to resolve:

const result = await prompts.spawn(pTemplate)


Once the prompt has been completed, the method returns a Prompt Result object, or null if prompt was closed or cancelled